Thursday 30 May 2013

Harry Potter Studios Tour Take 3

I know it may seem slightly excessive but if you've seen my previous posts you'll know that I love love love the Warner Bros Harry Potter Studios Tour Watford. It's a second home to me and I've been again, for the THIRD time. It's obsessive but I really love it there. This time, I did not qualify as a child and I didn't get the stamp passport but no matter. I already have two. However, one can never have too many butterbeer glasses. I now also have two of those. I really really wanted the one with the handle but I couldn't justify spending £7 on a drink.

This time I went with my bestie since birth, Callum. When our mums picked us up, his was jealous and would like to go so fingers crossed for take 4. He enjoyed it and he is hard to please. Everything is average to him but he really loved it. He's tight with money but even he splashed out at the gift shop.

Here are a few pictures:
The Mirror of Erised
 The Fat Lady

The door of The Chamber of Secrets

 Callum actually having a photo taken!


J K Rowling is one of my literary heroes and I'm so thankful to her.

In the gift shop I got an Elderwand pen, a Gryffindor pillow,2 chocolate frogs and a chocolate frog key-ring. Pricey but worth it. I would really love to spend some dollars in Universal Studios Harry Potter World. I'll Just have to wait and live it through YouTube like PointlessBlogTv, Zoella and SprinkleofGlitter. I watch their vlogs of Florida and some other YouTubers such as Jim Chapman and Tanya Burr whose vlogs of Harry Potter Studios I really loved and I felt as if I were there with them. I'd really recommend Louise's 20 minute vlog.

If you want to share any experiences I'd be happy to read them :)

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