Wednesday 14 November 2012

University!! Help

So today we had a talk about universities, what they require, what they're looking for and what you should be aiming for along with other scary subjects. I can't really see myself at a university purely because I don't pride myself on my ability be social and be happy about meeting new people. I think being surrounded by a load of new people may be a challenge for me. Also I don't like partying, alcohol and clubs so is there really a place for me? I AM however very studious and my favourite place to chill and learn is a library, preferably one with old book covers and very high shelves. I often think I'm too old for my age but being a sociable teen isn't appealing to me.

There is also the problem and the pressure of picking the right subjects at A-level. It was extremely confusing because at one point they would tell you to pick options you would enjoy since you'd be more likely to be successful in it, then they'd completely pluck that thought out of your head and replace it with the idea that you need to take A-levels to show the interviewers that you're serious about the course so you should've taken options relating to the degree. I, personally, want to take a route with history and English but I also enjoy French and Biology, so those are my four options at present, but there's a sixth form open evening tomorrow so if I'm convinced otherwise, so be it.

 This is where I plan on going. The University of Sheffield. I love Sheffield as a second home. I know the attractions and the places I can be myself and enjoy the independence. I, did however, have the thought about going to Sheffield Hallam but it all depends on the course I finally end up choosing. I'd like to look into a course with a year or so abroad, I think that'd be fab. The idea of going to uni in a seaside area is also appealing. I'd like to think I'll have plenty of time to think but the reality is, the clock is ticking. I barely have two years to choose. If you could recommend some good universities for history that would be fab.


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