Saturday 24 November 2012

Schindler's List

Schindler's List is a film I watched a little while ago and I've decided to write about it because it's a miserable day today and the theme song really compliments laying in front of a fire curled up under a blanket. I must've listened to it 10 times today. The song really is beautiful, here's a youtube link to it if you're unfamiliar with this outstanding piece of art;

The film itself is also outstanding and a pleasure to watch with plenty of historical context about the Holocaust and some of the concentration camps in Poland. For me, it really hit home since I've been to Poland to visit Auschwitz-Birkenau but I didn't get time to visit Oskar Schindler's factory. It was an eye-opening experience I will never forget. The film just reminded me of some horrors I previously forgot, like Amon Goeth. It's a very sad film but well worth a watch if you aren't a bit weak and sensitive when it comes to gore.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Harry Potter World: Take 2

So basically, the school is running a trip for media studies and performing arts, of which i do neither, to The Making Of Harry Potter, in Watford. It's true what they say;
"It's not what you know, but who you know," in short, I managed to get on the trip. I'm so excited!! It's only 2 days away!! I'm a huuuuggee Potterhead. I've already been but I can't wait to go again. You can drink butterbeer and even watch Buckbeak the Hippogriff move. It's an absolutely fabulous experience.


Wednesday 14 November 2012

University!! Help

So today we had a talk about universities, what they require, what they're looking for and what you should be aiming for along with other scary subjects. I can't really see myself at a university purely because I don't pride myself on my ability be social and be happy about meeting new people. I think being surrounded by a load of new people may be a challenge for me. Also I don't like partying, alcohol and clubs so is there really a place for me? I AM however very studious and my favourite place to chill and learn is a library, preferably one with old book covers and very high shelves. I often think I'm too old for my age but being a sociable teen isn't appealing to me.

There is also the problem and the pressure of picking the right subjects at A-level. It was extremely confusing because at one point they would tell you to pick options you would enjoy since you'd be more likely to be successful in it, then they'd completely pluck that thought out of your head and replace it with the idea that you need to take A-levels to show the interviewers that you're serious about the course so you should've taken options relating to the degree. I, personally, want to take a route with history and English but I also enjoy French and Biology, so those are my four options at present, but there's a sixth form open evening tomorrow so if I'm convinced otherwise, so be it.

 This is where I plan on going. The University of Sheffield. I love Sheffield as a second home. I know the attractions and the places I can be myself and enjoy the independence. I, did however, have the thought about going to Sheffield Hallam but it all depends on the course I finally end up choosing. I'd like to look into a course with a year or so abroad, I think that'd be fab. The idea of going to uni in a seaside area is also appealing. I'd like to think I'll have plenty of time to think but the reality is, the clock is ticking. I barely have two years to choose. If you could recommend some good universities for history that would be fab.


Sunday 11 November 2012

Work and Wishing

I work in a small cafe at a garden center but I'm basically disposable and it's really aggravating  Like today. I should be working, earning money for Christmas presents instead I'm left practically unemployed. If someone tries to make plans with me on a Sunday I'll turn it down for work and then I get laid off for the week and it's really growing thin.

People say I should look elsewhere for work but it doesn't feel like in this economic climate, I'm likely to snag another job, possibly closer to Christmas but it'd be too late then.

Am I being ungrateful? Mabye. But I was told a month ago that I'd have no work for the month, and a month before that I was told my job was secure. I'm really tired of being exploited like this and my hopes dashed over and over. I have a pretty expensive lifestyle with all the shopping and the gigs but I hate working and my job (when I actually work) is quite easy and I get free food. The money isn't bad for the few hours I do also.

I would really like these:

so I hope I get some work soon. Fingers crossed.

Saturday 10 November 2012

The Worst British Show?

X Factor has gone down the toilet. It's lost its general appeal and thrill and in their desperate attempt to claw back viewers, have made it a flamboyant pile of rubbish. It's all staged and shabby. The contestants lack like-ability, especially the marmite performer Rylan Clarke, who everyone in Essex seems to be friends with, oddly enough. He gets special treatment, like jumping out of a plane for his performance because he's the wildcard, someone to bring in the viewers.

Also, there's the attempt to recreate the success of One Direction with 2 boybands, one merged as 1D were. It's a pathetic money grabbing show and I would much rather watch Merlin. Unfortunately it ends at like, 10 to 9 so I have to watch X Factor or I'd have nothing else to do...

Oh and the judges!!! Louis Walsh needs to retire. The only thing he knows is boybands, and he doesn't really know that. Tulisa doesn't know a thing. I find her intolerable and what has she got to do with music. I wouldn't even call her an artist. She shouldn't be on telly, she's an awful thieving role model who should keep out of everyone's face. Also, Gary Barlow does not belong on the panel, he writes good music and is a national treasure who isn't given the respect he deserves. In conclusion, I'm not surprised Strictly Come Dancing gets the viewers in the battle.

My Take On Midi Rings

Most rings are midi rings on me because my hands are huge but I really detest midi rings. Are they just manufacturers way of being cheap because they use less material? I don't know but what other possible reason could you have for having a ring sit on the end of your finger. It's like toe rings all over again. Pointless. If I ever wore them, it would only be as a joke. My verdict: oh-no-no.

However, if you have an opinion, argument or reason why you like them, please leave a message in the comments. I'd like to see why they're popular.


Where I live is extremely accessible to central London. I spend a lot of time there so I thought I'd share some experience and recommendations. I am extremely proud to be British and thus, London being the capital of England, am fond of London. I also like Sheffield a lot but that's for another day :)

This is where most trains I take into London terminate. London Liverpool Street. It's just a magical place with lots of hidden treasures. Mabye if you're around you should see for yourself. It's a short walk from the base of the gherkin and some charming shops. There's even a McDonald's in it. It feels like, when you stand among the vast crowd, you're in a high budget film, and the world is your oyster.

Part of London's charm is the weather. Us Brits are used to the rain but tourists love it. If it's raining I'll most probably get the bus. If you have a travel card from the tube it's free anyway and it's a great way to see the city from the warmth and dryness. Sure, traffic can be a problem in the middle of the day but where isn't it? Also, black cabs (Hackey Carriages) are a great form of transport. It really throws you into the culture and the taxi drivers are friendly. The fare isn't too unreasonable but I don't recommend using them for long distances.

A huge attraction is the West End. I have seen countless shows. Some of my favourites include Jersey Boys, Matilda, One Man Two Guvnors, Mamma Mia, Billy Elliott, Wicked and Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. These are only a few but I urge you to see as many as possible, including Hairspray, The Lion King, and a amazing show about the growth of The Beatles, Backbeat.

If you ever get the chance, have a meal in China Town, go shopping on Regent Street and see a show. Also, the museums and art galleries are amazing, like Victoria and Albert and The National History Museum. Perfection :)

Delightful Insight

So, when creating this blog, I thought, what am I most passionate about? My answer? Music and fashion. But mainly music. My perfect idea of a Saturday is going shopping, getting home and listening to my music with New Musical Express in my lap and a cup of Yorkshire tea in my hand. I totally agree with Jimi Hendrix when he said;
"Music is my religion."

It seems like such a wise thing to say because it's so indisputable. Music is certain to cheer me up after a long day, especially from these guys;

These two are two absolutely fantastic bands: Arctic Monkeys and The Beatles. I grew up with music, especially The Beatles and The Eagles. It really annoys me when people say that One Direction are more popular than The Beatles because they aren't. 

This picture makes me feel sick;

I'm currently wearing my Abbey Road jumper and regretting the birth of One Direction.

So, yep...that was a small insight into my musical mind.

Cead Mile Failte (A Hundred Thousand Welcomes)

Hi and welcome to my blog. It's my first but I'm determined to make it work because I'm passionate.

This is me;
 I'm 15 and live in London. I love it. It's the inspiration and motivation for pretty much everything I do, including my taste in fashion because if there's one place I love to go shopping, it's Oxford Street.

I also really enjoy indie rock music, especially Arctic Monkeys and The Maccabees.

I'm studying history, art, P.E and French at GCSE, and creating a blog in the midst of it all may not be the smartest thing I've ever done but I like to challenge myself sometimes :)